Music Association Gloria Artis in Vienna is happy to announce
I International Online Piano Competition ''Gloria Artis'' in Vienna.
►Competition is open for all pianistis from any nationality .
► The deadline for sending recordings and applications is 30.11.2020 . NEW DEADLINE
►Competition's results will be announced on our website 13.12.2020 .
►Gala concert and winners recital will be held in Vienna 21.01.2021 in one of
very beautiful and prestigious concert hall - Bank Austria salon im alten rathause - in centre of Vienna.
►Winners selected by jury will have chances to performe on festivals and promotional concerts
organized by Gloria Artis Association.
►Top winners will recieve cash prizes
, invitation for a solo recital and concerts , scholarships to
participate on masterclaseses ,
promotion for young artists.
For more information don't hesitate to write us on: